Kent C. Dodds - React Fundamentals Workshop
Planted March 24, 2020
Lots of tutorials and guides tend to miss the React fundamentals and dive straight into actually building components and apps. Often they throw in Redux and other technologies at the get-go which can make truly grasping the underlying concepts more challenging.
This workshop dives in and looks at those parts that are sometimes overlooked.
One of the great things about React is that it is mostly leveraging Javascript. No need to learn a special templating syntax but instead having a deep grasp of Array and Object methods makes your code cleaner and more effective.
The first chunk of this workshop didnât need any tooling at all - it was all HTML files that were edited and played with allowing the right concepts to be the focus of exploration.
Kentâs teaching philosophy is explicit and well communicated. I loved how aligned I felt with it. As a former school leader who was in charge of teaching development for a number of years, I can attest to his knowledge of the science behind learning. Spaced repetition, forgetting curve, embodied learning, retrieval practice, quick feedback and experimentation are all present in his teaching and delivery. Alongside his empathy and humour, it makes me remember the good times in the classroom while learning a ton.
If you havenât been to a Kent workshop before expect to learn a lot, to work in small groups, to write code and to think about things before he delivers deeper instruction. Kentâs primary strategy is one Iâve recommended to Maths teachers for years - create the need for the knowledge before you share it. So, youâll work through exercises in small groups and then Kent will work through his solution with explanation and elaboration. This primes you for the knowledge because youâve recognised you donât know it as well as youâd like. Thoughtful and well-delivered.
I took notes on some of the things I learnt during the workshop which I share for me as well as anyone else who might find them useful. There may still be tickets left for some of the future workshops and there is a bunch of awesome Kent content available on egghead and Frontend Masters. I canât recommend this guy enough!
Basic JavaScript-rendered Hello World
This was a helpful reminder that with vanilla JS you can create elements and build up the DOM.
- document.createElement()
- appendChild() appends nodes
- append() can append nodes but it can also append text
Intro to raw React APIs
First learning was UNPKG which was pretty cool. This allows you to be able to access single files from any NPM package and import with script tags.
It was interesting to see the comparison between the basic JS createElement
and the React createElement
Reactâs version creates an object rather than a DOM node and there was a focus on the children props.
can be a string, an array, other React elements, numbers and Booleans but not functions.
You can either set the children as a property in the props object or, you can pass in as many arguments after the props object which will be scooped up to be children.
React.createElement('div', { children: ['Hello', ' ', 'World'] })
// or
React.createElement('div', {}, 'Hello', ' ', 'World')
Using JSX
JSX is not JS! Shock! :) It is compiled, normally using Babel or Typescript. We can do this in the browser, call it directly and compile in the browser. If the script has type text/babel
the browser will ignore it but Babel will come back and compile it.
const element = React.createElement('div', { className: 'container', children: 'Hello World',})
these two are equivalent
const element = <div className="container">Hello World</div>
Interesting that in vanilla JS, you interpolate with ${}
like in string literals. In JSX, it is just {}.
You can spread the attributes like this.
const children = 'Hello World'const className = 'container'const props = { children, className,}const element = <div {...props} />
Interesting, that if you have other props as well as the spread operator then Babel uses an _extend() helper method. If there is a conflict, the last declaration of that property wins.
There is an online REPL for Babel (here) which is very cool.
Creating custom components
Woohoo! Now we can create reusable code. Components are functions which return something that can be rendered.
We can create components by using the React.createElement(our_function
, {children: âHello}).
There are lots of ways we can name Components but there are some rules:
ui = <Captialized /> // React.createElement(Captialized) â
ui = <property.access /> // React.createElement(property.access) â
ui = <Property.Access /> // React.createElement(Property.Access) â
ui = <Property['Access'] /> // SyntaxError âui = <lowercase /> // React.createElement('lowercase') âui = <kebab-case /> // React.createElement('kebab-case') âui = <Upper-Kebab-Case /> // React.createElement('Upper-Kebab-Case') âui = <Upper_Snake_Case /> // React.createElement(Upper_Snake_Case) â
ui = <lower_snake_case /> // React.createElement('lower_snake_case') â
There are two primary ways to style react components
- Inline styles with the style prop
- To break into interpolation, we use {}. Then we pass {} as a styled object.
- All of the CSS properties are camelcase as keys on the objects
- The values need to be strings or string literals
- Inline styles donât handle pseudo-classes
- CSS with the className prop
The order of conflicting keys matters.
Basic Forms
In React, there actually arenât a ton of things you have to learn to interact with forms beyond what you can do with regular DOM APIs and JavaScript. Which I think is pretty awesome.
You can attach a submit handler to a form element with the onSubmit prop. This will be called with the submit event which has a target. That target is a reference to the <form>
DOM node which has a reference to the elements of the form which can be used to get the values out of the form!
React uses SyntheticEvent when an event is triggered. This is for all intents and purposes just like a regular event but sometimes it might end up not behaving in the way you expect (async access of the event for example). You can access the native event with event.nativeEvent.
I hadnât used the useRef
hook much before but it was a really effective way to access the current value of a referenced input field.
Dynamic Forms
This is using the useState
hook to set an error.
Appreciated the checking that all is lowercase function.
const isValid = value === value.toLowerCase()
In our breakout room, we also did it with regular expressions:
const isValid = !/[A-Z]/.test(value)
Interesting argument to use ternary rather than conditional rendering. It is an issue when the target is a number, such as users.length.
{ error ? null : 'There is an error'}
{ error && 'There is an error'}
{ Boolean(error) && 'There is an error'}
Controlled Forms
Sometimes you have form inputs which you want to programmatically control. Maybe you want to set their value explicitly when the user clicks a button, or maybe you want to change what the value is as the user is typing.
This is why React supports Controlled Form inputs. So far in our exercises, all of the forms inputs have been completely âuncontrolledâ which means that the browser is maintaining the state of the input by itself and we can be notified of changes and âqueryâ for the value from the DOM node.
If we want to explicitly update that value we could do this: inputNode.value = âwhateverâ but thatâs pretty imperative. Instead, React allows us to set a value prop on the input like so:
<input value={myInputValue} />
Once we do that, React ensures that the value of that input can never change from the value of the myInputValue variable.
Typically youâll want to provide an onChange handler as well so you can be made aware of âsuggested changesâ to the inputâs value (where React is basically saying âif I were controlling this value, hereâs what I would do, but you do whatever you want with thisâ).
Typically youâll want to store the inputâs value in a state variable (via React.useState) and then the onChange handler will call the state updater to keep that value up-to-date.
Rendering Arrays
One of the more tricky things with React is the requirement of a key prop when you attempt to render a list of elements.
Make sure that you add a unique key to make sure that things can be properly calculated between renders.
Using the array index sometimes falls over - it is better to use a proper key that stays consistent between render.